Advertising & Practical Thinking

The advertising profession is cold and cruel. The power of practical thinking is a perfect antidote.

Monday, September 18, 2006

An Amazing Coincidence.

On September 18, 2006 published an article by Mr. Matthew Creamer about "Philips' Innovative Ad Campaign Makes Media the Message." In the article, Mr Creamer writes, "The medium is the message," said Eric Plaskonos, director-brand communications at Philips Electronics North America, invoking Marshall McLuhan's well-worn thinking that the way content is delivered is more important than the content itself.

Interestingly, on August 31, 2006 on this blog, it was stated (originally part of a presentation made by PentaTwo to Energy BBDO, Chicago on August 3, 2005):
The medium is the message," said Marshall McLuhan in the late sixties. How appropriate! Today, we could say, "the future of media, is the future of advertising."
Or, we could be more emphatic and say, "Media drives the business, and not the creative." "Sacrilege! Burn him!" shouts the Executive Creative Director of the Agency.
We will take it one step further: "The consumer's involvement with the media drives the business."


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