Advertising & Practical Thinking

The advertising profession is cold and cruel. The power of practical thinking is a perfect antidote.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


This October, a few milestones (kilometerstones reads, and sounds, ridiculous) were reached and they need to be recognized by global marketers.

The US population crossed 300 million. In 1971, this number was just over 200 million. Not too many marketers paid attention to this crossing. Sad!

The DOW Jones Industrial Average rose above 12,000. It closed above 1,000 in 1972.
The population of India has doubled since 1971.

The Sensex (The BSE-Sensex is the benchmark index of the Indian capital markets) rose above 13,000. It was only in 1990 that it reached the magical 1000.

There are now 100 million Web sites with domain names and content on them.

All these numbers have serious global implications.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, impressive.

10:37 AM  

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