Advertising & Practical Thinking

The advertising profession is cold and cruel. The power of practical thinking is a perfect antidote.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Oh What A Relief It Is.

The last three days have indeed been a relief. No more mud-slinging, name-calling, absolutely uncalled for negative political advertising on television or radio.

Do not know if a study will be conducted to see if the candidate who was more belligerent about their opponent won or lost the race. The results would be most interesting.

There have been no voicemails with pre-recorded messages from Senators, ex-governors, candidates, or volunteers seeking votes. No obnoxious calls at 9:00 PM with “Hello this your Senator calling you to remember to vote this Tuesday for…”

The US Congress banned telemarketing a few years ago; however, political causes were exempt. Most self-serving!

Well, the next round of national elections (primaries) will start in about 400 days. No, that does not mean we will be free of this nonsense for that long. The next round of local municipal elections will start in less than 90 days!

Good political marketing should be considerate, civil, and caring. There will be less voter apathy.

Remember the “Morning in America” 1984 campaign for presidential candidate Ronald Reagan? Brilliant political marketing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn’t agree more.

I know that it feels that election after election things only get worse each time. This year seemed especially horrendous when it came to negative campaigns, mud-slinging, and vicious attacks. Perhaps I’m naive when it comes to political campaigning, but I feel that a candidate should first establish why the average voter should want to vote for the candidate, instead of an all out attack on the other poor fellow running for office.

Several years ago, I heard a graduation speaker proclaim that as we get older we fantasize that when we were young, politician were noble, prices were reasonable, and children respected their elders. The fact of the matter is that there are only three constants in the universe. 1) The sky is blue, 2) Water is wet, and 3) Politics is a dirty business.

Politics don’t have to be a vicious cycle that repeats every two years; but unfortunately we as a culture often rally around the lowest common denominator. Who is to blame? It is the politician for catering to our thirst for mud-slinging, or is it ourselves for tolerating the depravity that the political machine has become. I suppose that it is both.
So, looking forward to another political cycle that will start before you can say recount, let’s first remember back to when we were all younger. I know that, in reality, politics has always been dirty. But just for once, just for this one time, let’s all try an make this next political season look, feel, and sound more like a time when we all believed that politicians really were noble. I know it may never have been that way, but that doesn’t mean that we couldn’t start to change things for the better.

Besides, who knows, maybe years from now when the political machine has once again gotten stuck back in the mud, you and I can look back and remember when there really was a time when politicians were noble, prices were reasonable, and children respected their elders—but first things first.

3:35 PM  

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