Advertising & Practical Thinking

The advertising profession is cold and cruel. The power of practical thinking is a perfect antidote.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Branding an IT Department

Been rather hectic for a few weeks (not that any of you missed me!) Busy with a very “nice” assignment for a special Client.

Brand their IT department.

This is progressive thinking. In fact, most impressive thinking. And, from PentaTwo’s perspective, “practical thinking.”

Very similar to a client meeting in 1998, when the prospective client said, “Tell me what you think we are doing right.” One of the most incredible assignments, since everyone needs to know “what they are doing wrong.”

How do you brand an IT Department for a global marketing company (or, a local, regional, or national company?)

IT is a taken-for-granted-department. Just there. The only time, the user thinks of the IT Department when something is not functioning. And, at that time, the thoughts are not most pleasant.

A challenging assignment.

Writing only to say that "practical thinking" helps in meeting the challenges. And when your client loves the recommended strategy, it makes life more pleasant.


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